WOMAD Showcase event on June 21st at 7pm at Ballymena North set to Wow!
17 June 2014
As part of Community relations Week we are delighted to invite you to the World Of Music, Arts and Dance (WOMAD) Showcase event on June 21st at 7pm at The Ballymena North Business & Recreation Centre.
This is the first time Ballymena will be hosting WOMAD which is the World’s largest and most prestigious International Festival. This event has been made possible through the partnership of Beyond Skin and Ballymena Inter-Ethnic Forum. This project has received financial support from Ballymena Borough Council’s Good Relations Unit, Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Community Relations Council.
Artists from the Zimbabwean dance group Siyaya will be in residence in Ballymena from June 15th to June 22nd . The artists will be hosting a series of workshops in Schools and Youth Groups from Monday 16th June – Thursday 19th June.
Young people from the Schools and Youth Groups will be performing at the Skainos East Centre on June 20th along with young people from Belfast and thereafter in Ballymena North on June 21st.
We hope that you will come and see the young people in our Borough celebrating diversity through music and dance at the Gala event on June 21st.
There will be a nominal entrance fee of £1, ticket are available from Ballymena inter-Ethnic Forum. Concessions apply